
How We Do It

GTTP operates across 17 countries including:

Brazil, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Nepal,  Oman, the Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania, and the United Kingdom. The USA is an affiliate member.

Find out what we are doing in your part of the world.

When a country joins the programme, it receives start-up funding to set up a small in-country team.This team works with established educational organisations to develop a relevant curriculum which
will equip students with the skills and experience they need to find work.   Each country will also develop a network of local businesses to offer local support, internships and work experience.

All students, wherever they live, have access to our online introductory courses including  Passport to theWorld,  Responsible Tourism, Workforce Readiness.  As well as being available in English, this is also translated into French, Hungarian, Mandarin, Portuguese,Russia and Spanish.

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