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The Fun of Being a Judge at the GTTP Russia Student Competition, by Yulia Khivantseva, HR Manager, CWT Russia

March 14, 2016 2:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

On Jan 26th this year, my boss, Natalia Morozova, General Manager for CWT Russia, forwarded me a letter with the subject “GTTP Russia 20th Anniversary event February 16 and 17” with her comment: “FYI, let’s talk later.” The subject was represented by a chain of emails that started from the one by Dr. Nancy Needham to GTTP...

GTTP Alumna Profile: Sumey Cabello Le Roux from South Africa

November 18, 2015 2:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Sumey Cabello Le Roux was a South African Winner of the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership Research Award in 2002 while a student at Duineveld High School in Upington in the Northern Cape Province.  She and her fellow South African winner Leandra Brand presented their research on the Nama people, a vanishing culture, at the GTTP’s annual student/teacher conference, which...