March 24, 2025 10:37 am
Published by Anne Lotter
INDIA “GTTP has provided me with a whole new perspective of the Travel and Tourism industry and the competition gives students like me a myriad of opportunities to showcase their research. I personally had a lot of fun interacting with students my age on what they have researched and looking at new perspectives of the...
February 23, 2021 6:48 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
GTTP Kenya have released their latest quarterly newsletter: Shift In The Tourism Industry, with an introduction from the Country Director of GTTP East Africa: Joseph Okelo. Find out about how according to Dominic Wanjiru “a resilient tourism sector would be guided by sustainability, safety (health/security, responsibility, and innovation.” Also inside this edition you can read...
November 17, 2020 6:53 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
The WTTC have published new global protocols & stamp for the new normal: ‘WTTC alongside our Members, governments, health experts and other industry associations are working together to achieve effective recovery protocols by developing meaningful action plans that optimise sector-wide recovery efforts. Part of our protocols include providing the public & private sectors with the...
November 17, 2020 5:24 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
Namaste! From India.Dr. Sanjay Mehta I, Dr. Sanjay Mehta, feel proud as the Director of GTTP India to communicate to you with this newsletter. GTTP is an alliance between the Travel and Tourism Industry and the Education sector. I as an educationist by heart and profession could very well understand the need for this curriculum to be...
October 22, 2020 10:01 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
Olá from Brazil! A country where tourism is full of opportunities.Dr. Mariana Aldrigui I was invited to join GTTP 12 years ago, as a teacher trainer for an educational program developed throughout the country. When this program ended, I was invited to coordinate GTTP actions in Brazil, which was and still is an honour. As a university researcher,...
January 15, 2018 1:19 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
by Angelica Mkok, Head, Social Responsibility, Amadeus IT Group Betti and Zsófi are Hungarian sisters with a passion for travel. At the latest edition of the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership (GTTP) annual competition in Nice, France, they shared how this passion came about and what the GTTP means to them. “We were always interested...
January 20, 2017 12:53 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
In 2016, the Global Travel Tourism Partnership notched up 20 years of success in teaching more than 2 million high school and tertiary students about travel, tourism and hospitality careers as well as sustainability issues. In Part 2 of our retrospective, we feature activities and events held from July to December 2016 to mark our 20th...
January 16, 2017 2:24 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
By Sally Faith Omollo and Eilleen Namaindi Wamalwa, GTTP Kenya students Our journey to China began in 2014, when GTTP Kenya broke to us the awesome news that we would be beneficiaries of a four year full scholarship program at the Tourism College of Zhejiang China. It took some time to gather all the required documents and follow...
July 8, 2016 9:27 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
Visitors come to Sárvár to visit its spa, castle, churches, arboretum, park and lake. The winning student research project from Hungary in 2014 determined that Sárvár would benefit from greater use of QR code* technology enabling visitors to read on their smartphones or tablets about the town’s attractions they visit. The recommendations of the five students who created the project have now been implemented by...
May 20, 2016 2:11 pm
Published by Anne Lotter
Anastasia Kovinskaia graduated from Moscow School 1228 in 2015 and is a student at Moscow State University. Below, Anastasia recounts her experiences with the GTTP. In 2013 I had the chance to participate in the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership Research Conference in Monaco where, as a winning national team, we had the honor to...