Become a Partner

Become a local, national or global partner of GTTP and give back to communities where we operate.

Benefits include: 

Helping to drive sustainable tourism:  GTTP assists in achieving ESG targets, including social impact, workforce development and community engagement, helping to ensure that tourism remains an engine for positive change in communities worldwide.

Empowering Local Communities:  Support youth, women, indigenous and marginalised populations through education and skills development initiatives, helping to create opportunities for socio-economic growth and inclusivity, fostering a more equitable and resilient tourism ecosystem. 

Enhancing CSR.  By partnering with a charity dedicated to education, business can demonstrate its commitment to social causes beyond primary business objectives, helping to enhance the corporate social responsibility profile of member companies.

Partners provide real-time industry information to schools, and help ensure that students are learning skills that will help them go from secondary school to entry-level jobs, or to further education. Both parties’ benefit.  Students are introduced to career options, internships, work experience, and gain confidence in the process.  Companies are helping to address the skills needed to find employment, especially focused on more marginalised communities. 

Local and national partners provide access to their workplaces for teachers and students, volunteer in classrooms, provide in-kind support (from bus passes for students, to tickets to attractions, to hotel rooms for visiting teachers) and, if feasible, financial support.  To join at a local or national level, please contact the GTTP Country Director listed under your country on our Country Members page.

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