
Through the Global Travel and Tourism Partnership, you can:

Study for our online core programme, Passport to the World – this provides a global study plan of three modules and is available in 7 different languages.  Additional courses on offer include Passport to Concierge, GROW for career development and wellbeing, English for Latin America for Spanish speaking students wanting to learn English, and a wide variety of learning modules offered by Travel Uni.

  • To find out more about opportunities to study in your region of the world, click on your member country here: country
  • Learn more about our global partners and local partners and the work experience and internship opportunities they offer for GTTP students.  To find out what is available in your area keep a close eye on the websites of individual partners .
  • Enter a variety of competitions and awards including the Student Research Competition and the Travel Photo competition and win a trip overseas and a cash prize.


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